
Tuesday 24 December 2019

Activity 3: book that you like

Image result for twilight books

This named of this book is called twilight it is about .Bella was  moved of to this part of this place the were a family that a weird  people keep telling that they  are  family biut apoldted but she didn't know that . She went to the place were edward .She thing  he is so  weird and  edward was talking to her because  he vampire  and  likes her blood  and then he prins her to his house and then she beforms a vampire . I like this books of twilight it has lots of things that are insertion to look at .


  1. Hello Ellenora! Twilight was a very interesting choice. I really enjoyed reading your description about the book, as well as your collage of pictures which were very intriguing. What was your personal favorite part of the series? I'd love to know. Good work, keep it up!

  2. Mōrena Ellenora! How are you doing today? Happy to report that we have blue skies right now. I hope it stays this way. :)

    Thank you for such an interesting blog post. I think you've done a really good job on your description of Twilight. What book in particular are you reviewing? When I post my comments, I always try and proofread my sentences so they make sense. I think it would be a good idea if you did this as well. It's a little hard to understand some parts of your book review. Book reviews also have the title of the book and the author's name. We can't give you full points if you miss out on these little details as they are important when completing the activity. Other than that, ka pai on all your effort.

    What did you like most about the book? Would you be a vampire or a werewolf?

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Ngā mihi,

  3. Hi Ellenora,
    I liked how you said that you liked twilight because it has lots of things to think about. I was interested by you saying that Bella was turned into a vampire by Edward, did she want to become a vampire?

  4. Hi!
    This activity you did was great, Great job for staying active with the Summer Learning Journey! What was the hardest part of this activity? Remember to comment to earn more points to be able to win some cool prizes.
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence


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