
Wednesday 23 January 2019

SLJ | Activity 3 | Day 3

This week for the SLJ I had to watch a video about the WWF saivng an amnimal, I had to find out what animal they were saving, what they were doing to save that animal and if any success they made out of helping that animal. Down below is the finished task.

WWF were trying to help the Saimaa seals by building snowbanks. They were trying to build snowbanks for the seals to give birth to new baby seals. The seals had to give birth in a snowbank or else the baby seal would not be safe. WWF had people take time off from their day to help make snowbanks. Their success on helping this animal was that they made over


  1. Hi Ellenora!
    I like your blog post about the saving of the Saimaa Seals. I found 2 spelling mistakes in your blog post. I think you should work on re reading your blog post to see if it makes sense, or if there are any mistakes. Do you like seals?
    Blog you later!

  2. Hello Ellenora! Well done on answering the questions. I was very interested in both videos and supported each act. I like how you made your description easy to read and understand. Do you know what type of seal they were saving? Keep it up!

  3. Greetings Ellenora,

    Well done for completing this task. I am glad to see you getting out there and posting more and more summer learning journey activities. I did this activity too. It was sure interesting to do. Did you enjoy completing this task? Why? You have written a great and strong description about what they WWF was trying to save and if they hand any success on it. I enjoyed reading it, especially when you said they were trying to build snowbanks.


  4. Greetings Ellenora!
    What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal is a dog because it's a very playful and it protect you. Your blurb is clear but a few mistakes. What is your favorite activity doing?

    Keep it up!

  5. Greetings Ellenora,

    My name is Araura and I am from Wesley Primary School.

    First of all congratulations on your amazing post. Great job on being able to answer the question successful. However I did come across a few spelling mistakes.

    Do you mean they were trying to build snowbanks or they were on the process of building them?

    Do you like seals? Ilove seals :)

    Anyway keep up the good work.
    Blog you later Bye 😀

  6. Hi Ellenora,

    Another great post! Have you got more for us today?
    I'm glad the seals are a bit safer thanks to the WWF. Have seals been surviving?

    Keep up the great work!
    - lee


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