
Thursday 13 February 2020

Why is plastic pollution a problem for our coastlines? Writing

Why is plastic pollution a problem for our coastlines?

Do you like seeing sea animals caught up in plastic every year? Well that's what will happen if we keep throwing away our plastic in the wrong places. The plastic that we throw on the streets make their way to the drain, then it leads to lakes, rivers, estuaries and the sea. If we don’t put our plastic in the rubbish it can harm many animals as they will think its food.

Did you know that over 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enters the ocean each year? That plastic can get tangled around the throats and stomachs of marine mammals and can harm them. 

The more people fill the ocean with plastic, the less marine animals we’ll have. The generation of sea animals will be gone and the ocean will be filled with plastic rubbish. You can help stop this by collecting all the plastic you see laying around.

Plastic makes up 90% of the pollution on the ocean's surface so don't be lazy and drop your plastic. Do you want to be swimming in plastic?

Plastic takes over 450 YEARS based on what plastic it is. Did you know that there is 26.8 million tons of plastic in landfill? We need to recycle our plastic or you'll have plastic fish and chips for dinner.
Florence, Ellenora, Miiana, Leroy
LI: To collaboratively structure and write an explanation
For writing this week we were writing about Why is plastic pollution a problem for our coastlines? We are what will happen when this happen if don't do the right thing .Plastic pollution in and around our waterways has become a real problem. Each year the litter we drop  travels out to sea through drains, streams, lagoons and estuaries. This rubbish in our oceans harms and kills millions of sea creatures, who get caught in it or mistake it for food.

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