
Friday, 20 March 2020

Kiwi can

Today for kiwi can we are learning about was leadership and who to show how to do leadership and how to help the people around them and the juniors and also seniors at school. We talk about who you look up to. The enggrash we did was doing handbag we were towing by using the hands to Winnebago up and down then when the kiwi can teachers tell us handbag we try to get them there person and if you win we going to the next ground. The other game we had was purists we had to get into a group of 6 and we were doing the first that kiwi can say to us.


Today for Tech we did was make the shape of the mickey mouse shape the ears. After everything looks like the mickey mouse Mr. Grundy gave me sandpaper to sand the two faces of the Mickey Mouse I'd made. We are trying to make it look like shinee mirror that you can see your self. We get three pieces of sandpaper to get the shinee mirror.

Veen Diagram

Today for Inquiry me and my group we did a Venn diagram on google slide. We talk about how they got to New Zealand. What we did was show the quarter what they used things to get to New Zealand. We came to explorers and European navigators.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Polynesian Navigation

Today for the inquiry were doing Polynesian Navigation. We were talking about what Polynesian Navigation do when they were on the boat. 

Venn Diagram

Today for Inquiry  we did was put  Explorer vs Adventurer .All the both of them .They were lots of people that know who they are. There is lots of people that don't know at all .There were chater from show that are explorer, advents or both.


This Friday we created a D.L.O on our knowledge of gourds. This D.L.O was created in groups, the group I was in was with Florence, Lukah, Rj, and Acein. The D.L.O includes Facts about gourds, information about gourds and a photo of gourds.